Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thing 20 YouTube

Wow, I had no idea how much stuff you can find on YouTube. I love the laughing babies. I laughed so hard, I woke my husband up. There is so much that I had trouble narrowing things down. I tried libraries and librarians and got some stuff. I have actually used YouTube at school during research with 5th grade. We watched clips of Man vs. Wild during our Biome unit. The product was to create a list of things you would need in a survival pack for a biome you would choose to live in, so these clips were perfect. Just like anything that you use from the web, you have to be super careful of what content comes up with what you are searching for. When I searched Man vs. Wild, there were many paraody clips that people made. You have to preview everything. It was fun and everyone uses YouTube. Some of the questions for the Presidential debates actually came from YouTube so that tells me that we have to get on board with this and find ways to utilize this service in the classroom and the library.

1 comment:

Zeeburt said...

Very funny video! You said you used one in your library. Did you download it to your computer first? I usually can't view it at work in my blog, so I assumed the site was blocked.