Thursday, January 3, 2008

Myspace idea

Today I thought of a way to use myspace to help students analyze characters in books. I think it would be an awesome product for students to make about a main character after completing a book. Students could create a myspace page for that character. Think of all that they could add: songs, friends, graphics, a bio, a blog. There are mood icons. That in itself is a huge vocabulary lesson. I am trying to see how this would look. I guess students could browse some pages or I could copy my page so that they can see what all is included. Students could create a paper myspace page? I haven't exactly figured that part out yet, but I think kids could be wildly creative and really analyze a character. The motivation would be high because myspace is so popular. I read something today from the Library 2.0 sites that said not to wait until something is perfect to share, but to get feedback and continually work on improving an idea.


smaileh said...

I think this is an intriguing way to use something like MySpace, especially if the pages are temporary and are taken down at the end of the project. It certainly would be an exercise in imagination and creative writing, since they would be creating a page as a fictional character. I wonder if there would need to be a disclaimer on the page stating that it is a fictional character in case anyone from outside the project (i.e., anyone not a student at your school) stumbled upon it.

The Loud Librarian said...

I came to your page to see what you posted about MySpace, and look, you already came up with a GREAT application. I love how you always think outside the box, and you always put the kids first. What a fab idea.