Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thing 19

I tried out 2 different sites for this exercise. The first was Gliffy.
This site allows users to create flowcharts using boxes, circles, and graphics. It is super simple to use. It is a click and drag process. I am wondering if it might work with the Promethean Board. . . I'll have to check when I get back to school. You can create multiflow maps, single flow maps, and even floor plans. I could have used the floor plan application during some of my library classes that required us to draw our library. Students could use this to create dream rooms or houses. Students could create the bedroom of a favorite character. The product of a project could be create what you think Fern's, from Charlotte's Web, bedroom might look like. You can add images by doing a Yahoo search and dragging the images onto the floor plan. Fun and functional!

I also played with This is an easy graphic organizer that is very much like Kidspiration. You can type in a main idea and then create bubbles that go with that idea. You can save your documents and make them public if you like. I couldn't find a way to post it to a blog though. There are many obvious ways that you could use this in the library or in the classroom. I think that if I want teachers and kids to use this, I will have to link it to the school library website for easy access.

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